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Your Guide To Chemical Water Conditioning

Did you know that the water flowing through your faucet may not be 100% safe? Your water may contain microorganisms that cause diseases, minerals that are harmful to your plumbing, clothes, skin, and hair.

Whether you are using municipal or well water, whether you are a domestic or commercial user, you need to ensure that your water is safe and free from chemicals. Thankfully, water can be purified through water conditioning. Water conditioning is the process of removing impurities from water. At the household level, it usually involves purification and softening.



For cloudy water, you will need more of the product. Strain the water to remove the cloudiness. To combine smaller particles into larger ones for easy straining, you may use a water clarifier.

Add the chlorine to water using four drops for every quart. Then, leave it sitting for 30 minutes or longer when temperatures are low (under 10 degrees 50F). Chlorine is affordable, easy to use, and effective, but it leaves behind a faint smell and taste.


Iodine is light-sensitive and needs to be stored in a dark bottle, in a dark place. It should ideally be used at over 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't use it if you are someone who has thyroid problems, you are a woman over fifty, you're pregnant, or you're allergic to shellfish.


These are commonly used in municipal water. They leave no chemical residue but are more expensive than chlorine.


Water purification will not remove dissolved minerals from the water. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are responsible for what is called hard water. You may need to soften this water.

Water softening entails exchanging hard minerals such as calcium in water for soft minerals such as sodium. For this, you will need a softener. The softener contains ion exchange resin beads with sodium.

As the water enters the tank, calcium and magnesium are attracted to the ion resin beads. In exchange, the ion resin beads release sodium into the water.  As a result, water flows out, leaving the calcium behind and taking the sodium with it.

Water conditioning services will be able to advise you on the kind of tank to buy and the amount of salt you need. They may provide additional services such as delivering the salt to your home and inspecting your tank.

You can do your own low-scale water conditioning at home. However, if you are tired of repeating the procedure or if you want it done on a larger scale, contact a local water treatment services company like AquaTec Water Conditioning to set up a higher volume system.